# Package lynx

# Functions

# apiCall

Perform an authenticated call to the API using the gateways credentials. Returning the response as a LUA object.

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
Method No HTTP Method to use
Path No Path of the URL to request
Body Yes Include a body in the request
IoTCfg Yes Config to load parameters and authentication from

# Example

local res = lynx.apiCall("POST", "/api/v2/functionx/1", {
    type = "test",
    meta = {key1 = "val1"}

# apiCallRaw

Perform a GET request to the API using the gateways or provided credentials. The result is returned as a string if success or error object.

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
Path No Path in the Lynx API to use
IoTCfg Yes Config to load parameters and authentication from

# Example

local resRaw = lynx.apiCallRaw("/api/vw/functionx/1")

# getFunctions

Fetch a list of functionx objects for the installation using the API.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
Filter Yes Metadata or type used to filter the functions

# Example

local functions = lynx.getFunctions({
    key1 = "value1",
    key2 = "value2"

# createFunction

Create a new function in the installation using the API.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
fn No The complete FunctionX object

# Example

local fn = {
    type = "example",
    installation_id = 12,
    meta = {
        name = "My exmaple",
        topic_read = "obj/example/sensor/1/value"

# deleteFunction

Delete a function in the installation using the API.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
id No ID of the function to delete

# Example


# getApps

Performs an API-request and fetches all configured for the current installation.

See API Specification

# Example

local apps = lynx.getApps()

# downloadApp

Performs a file download using the API to fetch the executable code for an app. The app is returned as a text string.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
App-ID Yes ID of the app to download
Version Yes Version of the app to download

# Example

local appCode = lynx.downloadApp(1, "0.3.5")

# getStatus

Fetch last know values from the backend. There is a small delay until published values are available.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description

# Example

local statuses = lynx.getStatus()

# getLog

Fetch a log for recorded mqtt values. Usually contains a lot of data.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
to No Only fetch logs to this time as unix-timestamp
from No Only fetch logs from this time as unix-timestamp
limit No Limit the amount of log rows fetched

# Example

local logs = lynx.getLog(1603365159, 1603355159, 100)

# getDevices

Fetch a list of DeviceX objects for the installation using the API.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
Filter Yes Metadata or type used to filter the devices

# Example

local devices = lynx.getDevices({
    key1 = "value1",
    key2 = "value2"

# createDevice

Create a new DeviceX in the installation using the API.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
fn No The complete DeviceX object

# Example

local dev = {
    type = "example",
    installation_id = 12,
    meta = {
        name = "A device",
        serial = "ABCD1234"

# deleteDevice

Delete a device in the installation using the API.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
id No ID of the device to delete

# Example


# notify(id, body)

Trigger the backend to handle notifications for a specific output using the API.

See API Specification

# Parameters

Name Optional Description
id No ID of the output to trigger
body Yes Payload to include in the request, can be used in templates

# Example

local myData = {
    value = 23.5,
    action = "over"
lynx.notify(12, myData)